Overcoming Key Challenges in Supply Chain Logistics Management
Companies employing sophisticated supply chain methods enjoyed 12 times greater profit than companies with unsophisticated methods according to a Bain & Company study. For example, Walmart’s supply chain innovations led to a 3.1 percent lower price which resulted in USD 263 Billion cost saving for customers.
Companies operating in limited domestic markets are impacted by the ever increasing inter-connected global business and supply chain management. Supply chain professionals and management need to understand and manage the integration of all functions within the firm and the inter-dependencies with external parties.
The 2 Days sessions will provide an intensive workshop that will fast track the mastery of Global Supply Chain Management and will provide several practical ideas and tips to apply it to improve individual and organizations performance. This program has also been designed carefully for SCM Practitioners, Management and Supervisory personnel who aim to enhance their skills and knowledge by obtaining good understanding of International Supply Chain Management. More importantly the course gives key insights on how to apply them correctly in their respective organisation. This program will also cover the latest industry tools and techniques in contemporary international supply chain management.
Key Takeaways
- Promote professionalism by enhancing the skills and knowledge by obtaining good understanding of international Supply Chain Management
- Impart the key insights to our SCM Practitioners, Managers and Supervisory personnel on how to apply it correctly in their respective organization
- Understand and apply cost reduction strategies in your organization
- Understand and apply the Key Performance Indices (KPI)
- Apply the latest industry Tools and Techniques and Case Studies in SCM Logistics
Program Outline
- Value Chain Management
To understand how to conduct a value chain analysis, a business must first know what its value chain is. A value chain is the full range of activities including design, production, marketing and distribution businesses go through to bring a product or service from conception to delivery. The process of organizing all of these activities so they can be properly analyzed is called value chain management.
The goal of value chain management is to ensure that those in charge of each stage of the value chain are communicating with one another, to help make sure the product is getting in the hands of customers as seamlessly and as quickly as possible.
- Globalization and its effects in SCM
Business today is in a global environment. This environment forces companies, regardless of location or primary market base, to consider the rest of the world in their competitive strategy analysis. Firms cannot isolate themselves from or ignore external factors such as economic trends, competitive situations or technology innovation in other countries, if some of their competitors are competing or are located in those countries. Companies are going truly global with Supply-chain Management (SCM). A company can develop a product in the United States, manufacture in India and sell in Europe. Companies have changed the ways in which they manage their operations and logistics activities. Changes in trade, the spread and modernization of transport infrastructures and the intensification of competition have elevated the importance of flow management to new levels.
- SCM Risk Management
The following three key objectives of an effective supply chain risk management strategy will be discussed through reference to tools and approaches:
– identifying and prioritizing critical business elements
– mapping the entire supply chain to show interdependencies
– identifying potential failure points along the supply chain - SCM Technologies /Internet of Things (IoT)
When someone mentions the Internet of Things (IoT), most people think of electronics or wearables – the types of technologies that are driving adoption of a highly personalized “smart” consumer lifestyle. But there’s much more to the IoT story, and more specifically, its impact on the supply chain.
Research firm Gartner recently released a write-up highlighting what many supply chain professionals have been weighing for some time: the IoT trend is going to impact businesses, and in particular, it will disrupt the way we think about logistics.
- Strategies to improve productivity and reduce SCLM Costs.
Supply Chain Management and Cost Management are among the top issues on the agenda of business practitioners and academic researchers. Yet, while this proves the importance of these issues, it does not necessarily point towards their integration. Still, the links between the two approaches exist. Cost reduction is among the most cited objectives in supply chain management. Additionally, if costs are to be reduced, companies increasingly turn their attention to their supply chain partners, so both suppliers and customers reach out for new frontiers of competitiveness and profitability. Yet, few approaches exist so far, addressing, how cost management in a supply chain can be carried out. This session charts the journey as it puts together different approaches capturing the extent of existing research and business practice.
- SCM Future Trends and Disruptive Technologies
Key challenges and opportunities in logistics and supply chain management, in the context of wider global trends – impact on global corporations, and also on companies. How the world is changing faster than you can hold a board meeting, and why you need more than one supply chain strategy – expect further uncertainty, shocks and market volatility.
Corporations will focus far more attention on the Risks impact of natural disasters, political changes and other events on their supply chains. Most large US companies are already rethinking their entire supply chain as a result – making more products closer to home, and why this will benefit Mexico economy. Additional pressures to shorten supply chains and diversify sources will come from shorter product cycle times and evolution of Disruptive Technologies.
Training Methodology:
- Class Lecture
- Group Activity
- Case Study
- Video
- Class Team Presentation
Who Should Attend?
- SCM Managers
- SCM Logistics and Supervisors
- SCM Executives
Contents will be contextualized to ensure non SCM Logistics Managers attending would also benefit from our Interactive and Activity Based Program.
Benefits of attending this program and what questions this training program answers to:
This program is also part of Continuous Professional Learning for SCM Logistics Managers and Supervisors. The key earnings from this program would enable participants to apply it back to their work place as appropriate.
SM Syed Ali is currently a Regional Training Director – Learning & Development in Purchasing and Supply Association Singapore (PASAS) Education. Syed Ali also facilitates Training & Consultations related work for SPRINGS Singapore, TRUST Management Centre (TMC), Supply Chain and Logistics Academy (SCALA), Singapore Logistics Academy & Informatics Global for their local and overseas programs. […]
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